mandag den 16. marts 2009

The boys may have grown up

By: 3rd Side

So, in part of getting a bit away from the dark, dark music I introduce to you Oh No Ono, who has a single out right now called "Internet Warrior" which is on their new album "Eggs" that is released on April 20th. If you have never heard of the young, curly guys from the north of Denmark then listen to one of their earlier hits "Keeping warm in cold country" as well as the new single. 

I read in an English interview that they have actually met Yoko Ono in London, who they say was very pleased with them, whatever that means. As you can read in the same interview the title on their debut album "Yes" was inspired by one of Yoko Ono´s exhibitions. 

I definitely like "Internet Warrior" better than "Keeping warm in a cold country" since it seems more mature and complete but still with the playful synthz sounds, that takes me back to the games on my Amiga 600.
Some critics think that "Internet Warrior" has a touch of Beatles on it which probably is right since Oh No Ono are big Beatles fans. 

One of the reason why I have never been that into Oh No Ono is because of the exaggerated bubble-gum attitude and the very clear vocals which reminds me a bit too much of cheerful teenage music. 
But it´s obvious that the guys are competent and innovative composers, why I was happy to read that the new album is supposed to be more intense and with a bit more substance. If you get the chance to listen to "Eggs" let me know what you think of it?


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